My husband and my baby.
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bro listen pc buy
no listen
special do
lsiten order enxt
no listen no do
i do i trhink
father say
scince city names earth you find
and this 2 names cosmos scince go
all detecting
1 line fist 100% go
pink circle right deep lkeft
no need win city
right cielc 50%
remove 10% down
this line
1 create city name scince go cosmic scince
names chouse update map god plant
minimal city god and middle city gods
no need do
ideal city god
typical yes
many gods life
huamn god
becoyse create cosmic child many numebrs
move miniaml gods or middle level city gods
relax no huirt work
happy life
human gods rare god
all numebrs cosmic gods
info yes coampre
more big city typical
15 times
gayes no msall
this 2 city probloem no life gods her edead
evewry and all
happy life
work do miniaml or middle
no high
no life future
happy dead city,. human used
no good city
human better
this city happoy relax city
yes its true
like move on minimal work dad city
happoy dead city life
earth peoepl many life and happy and relax
minimal city
friend dead cosmsic gods all numebrs
friends less need
underat5nbd speak no
no speak with you
hurt prod take
and see betetr me
on earth send god true
gegnral city
one city universe
area location plus human gods and cosmic gods friends too speak lang yes
english speak add cheap info 50%
system send
power universe
ideal city gods
no all
no true
support life yes
work here send huamn god
never see
and me and you
if work and send know part work with you
betetr gods universe, civil technology
maybe 50% huigh me i work cosmos god never
80% and no
hurt high
20% high and hurt
macrocosm god middle level city
hgih 50% technology no 80%
hurt 1 times see, learn here
kil llife..
special send
send god middle work dead, cant work happy life
friend shere welcome happy dead city human
happy 50%
middle elvel na dhappy n owork here
prod civil big
life here
poepl no say need do
take hurt all win here god palnt
quuest yes
problem begin
enemy no fals eall paid true
stop futurew god
and work cosmic god shurt do
up earth
fast date kil life go
this do fast save futurte god
hurt all win
very need
aattack enemy ion earth
hurt epoepl plant say futurte gods
all win here
future god win
no check levels god palnt
lucky try
dead human
all can hurt and all anmes here win
work 2 man no god palnt no
more nuembrs win
this peoepl yes
check levels head no see
and hurt win
no casn win and later win
later no win and anme losed
later tru try and win
need all vicotry
no one no losed
1 losed names diffrent
this treess see
small here
no importnat
later win miniaml god
i take and win 50% long date all
but yes
i very love work minail god
i happy futurte huamn life see work god
nad logn date work no love i
and send o nearth back
stop love work god o n50% level
i hurt see very dangeros for life
think love this job
relax and medical here earth
and stop thinking
relax her eno
betetr aghrd too no find i know
profile miniaml god send earth
becouse love work and middle level god send
see hipsiatl see
no need work love here
hurt big see forever always
promises and true god eaertrh do
technology no used
make do
afraid never see wortk god
and work long date middle god
no losed god work
happy see
never life futuew god no begin work
no true
all human poepel work cosmoc gods
happy dead city yes
work one
all you know
maybe cretae 1 god ideal here
2 no
with you
better create cosimc ideal god
cost money
huamn god ideal yes
cosmic god no
maybe nio problem
all hard 3 times see
work god
cant all
think and ready huamn no small
no true
hurt all life work
true system
serious all miniaml god date work system remove hurt huyamn on cosmisc god
later no
work huamn gods diffrent
food diffrent exmaple earth
more rich and hard
many do work this man
for peopel planet