My husband and my baby.
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I win one, know hurt more big than i learn sapce school
2 times yes
and later see true
do this easy
danager no find, danager for life foir work broken
and see rich hurt, more qulity never no see on space school
i mean what you think about me
this all easy
no like work hurt
this true
learn no learn this no need
name danger for life moeny dnager hurt kill life send
you like death
i like death all this system me no need i answer
take my work and i begin see trust qulity hurt names
no danger for work
i undeartnd what hurt big like send
and see answer life people
no easy so do
think space school
was wrong
no damage life this thinking
this hurt was so big stop me no little
me need waiting long date
no begin work
waht i see
suprice very big was
this all no do
no lifes peoepl no work all broken dmaage so sdtorng
neve rno need was work
see what here and rmeove betetr this work have
work and life this video 5 times badly think you
true no know
i hope expectation
me love frreinds i was good team
we work togetehr i answer
i helpo you all do
i understnd wrol wich i see
i was wrong 50%
all more bad i think
i no see simpy city
no begin work hurt no know
hard say
waht here
this work very very need
hurt unlimited hurt goddess city
do max do universe
morew rich peoepl never no find
was misatken no work here
i see morer bad work and life 20 times more
this do fix only name hurt unlimited work
no one god
life why cosmos this big damage see
no need was do
more numebrs hurt god do and all this rmeove
damage death 20 tiems more and life this human
no one no love
civil high and supergod here
civil work orders workers do
happy god city see
civl high 3 tiems hgih subterrnean and death here
happy like here
orders trhis
this we no sepak
more power
prog country world base add
setting no change buy dollars
small butifoul program this no open
money open = winter man
many work do
interesting buy, no make
change script
plant no change setting song moviewe part
server intenet less used
base all contry world rmeove iran, no add iraq all fine
betetr english man base rmeove
no see list
all peopel englsin like chinse have restore this joib
no see russian
all work open no here
becouse big peoepl speak more boss civil control peoepl englsih speak with you
this iran peoepl no take big voting people
used russian
kind civil no temp
good word
show civil strong
know obly for device russian and speak very fanosue serious moeny civl bisessn
sure maybe
rich scince do
line device
visit airplane no
old body no
this system scince no
speak more weak
less rich scince no send palnt sure
said for rich and misaken
cheap and no errors
see os agree
offline change vi editor list ips
contry world change and off all
plant sale this scpit was this do
sysfiles change online and work and ips rus no open
see buy for dollars no make
page no
enlgish peoepl expert pc code more know sysfiles change vi, sure easy do
part rt englsih cnanle woamn and man speak grren video lines
river waves
channel local
music evning light guy
no htink you silly
this civil hurt
no more happy god city
unlimited life
this names seruious diffrent civil
up cosmso god one need
one work here
no make win i undertand
ahpopy god city cvil 2-3 times more secret plant
wrok city do this civil
no hapopy
work many hard
and life and detah later
food if cheap no moeny less
factory more food eat
more big you do manual ready
model prod for cherap peopel
no food
this do
becouse this model one and sale
2 1 food = 4 food
money too