My husband and my baby.
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80% like send car secret plant me
100% need and true
dance girls work with you
or simpyl epople
god do
neve do this
write words
send car secret city only good system
work dance girls send adddreess
think bad work here secret palnt for bad work send for bad heatl send
no all
all better ideal here up work air yard ideal do secret city god plant
dont touch
no change room dance me
qulity up
on even just this do say
simpyl city never do one words do
no true?
bar start and we go
no agree you
today send yes
this system i like send
no declien you
bevopuxse do bad
on system enemy
no enemy
one system good
no agree visit do
no work rifght
one cheap peoepl transfer take
goid all killed
world star transer one words
and kill life
simpy city many and targfser one yes
mayeb 1
this true games
all moen y this
nwext day send amn
asy order do
device can say
bad coampny decline
no see
cheap man all chaep never do
moeny no up
i no atatck
for ruich man me n osay
and device too
deviceno atatck
bad device?
bad device eys
cheap man cheap work
good device
1 words and all you dead
next work secret god plant
what say good device
leiaetn and roders do
bad device win need
skip and never win
win numlimited
here name
no do
say me bad device bad big
i all do
good device say no
big device bad = small device moeny bad yes
listen orders bad device big
secret god palnt no belvie me n osend secret car
for all moeny small and big killed this words do
0 man me device work
this man deice work name big man
spam man adrres no say say welcome
this man no say
king name for work people
secret car and true send you
bad no need never
no do secret car life
wait send dance room
no true
this days
rays send
no false
god plant secret all can
moeny big yes
here on 50% big
80% think no
power secret plant god subterneaan
80% betetr life dance room girls here
50% maybe max
work 50% god true
cost more money
simpyl true
secret car send
see this system
bad coampny send work
today no
no send
dont know
all win dance room girls
no sedn man and this system all kill
all do
i no send simply amn and kill all
do and no do no need
see team dance girsl you
1005 moeny order send this amn transfer you here
no do you
pusnsih kill life
change man
20% yes
10)5 order dance girls no visit man
secret god plant work you
order girls here all pwoer send say
car this send
no berlive
dead simpy body night moniong no see
sex kill life baby do
with me no see
and even this do cheap man on device pwoer here connected
no remove
on work
50% order dancew girls say
no need
see result progress
next day
and up
easy send man
2 days no wait no need
this city life
cheap man device
no belvie chaep man i see head bad rbain hard
and maybe send
\cheap man here say
waht me say bad man for swork soldier devic ei no belvie
i htink periosonal and atatck send
words cheap[ you lsiuetn rifght true here
call tel
you say
simp-y city her eno and me no
call speak one yes
simpycity comapny doc sneed used do
for simp-[yl amnb me
palnt city send adrees work
see and 0 do
and damge do no listen me
bad man support poeple
this amn yes
this man no
bad man take and all remove
you agree me do comapny
say you this amn ftranser spam man
no do
declie work
2 send man doi
no do
all you wait you
sorry you send work this
no do
kill work i 2 send
tommororw go this amn you know\
n odo
kil lwork and 2 send and do
next message
tomkrow no visit simply
never visit no
2 man begin work
vicil cityremove
me dead futrure
cheap dead maybe
no listen
hapyp dead no
name god 50% no
true god no name work no do
no belvie
nothig man
level weak
kill god 50% on head work do
0 man do
no trust see read words
scince no god
no send