Emerald and ruby

My husband and my baby.

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#1 Re: bob » We contract » Today 16:13:40

simply city order all do fix
death no send

#2 Re: bob » We contract » Today 15:16:51

thinik bad coampny kill god palnt do work no make no comaplet no one work
yes think
no false do simyp ctiy monitoruing we do and we all good epeop lwork no make
respect your words we apid guft take

#3 Re: bob » We contract » Today 15:16:14

simp,y city orders n make comapl,te do
say no do
yes no all
no one no make do ismyp ciuty wrok

#4 Re: bob » We contract » Today 13:49:03

false good device
inside bad work do

#5 Re: bob » We contract » Today 13:48:26

we today no know how man good or bad
later date know
what bad and no remove no make i no rmeove me remove
paid need many i laeve

#6 Re: bob » We contract » Today 11:00:30

old device hd off power off

#7 Re: bob » We contract » Today 09:32:36

becouse lfie for moeny no life small money

#8 Re: bob » We contract » Today 09:32:23

no iwn hurt sapce
no say need win
fast date al lwin this
on total god yes
sklip win this
oin1 life
i small what know begin win hrut and all kill simyp city death do my head
meet on 2 life
win here
many peoepl kill on 1 life
risk no need
if life

#9 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:06:20

old wrok no lose
memoery do more perfect cosmos
clean cosmos no one god no here life no

#10 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:05:44

memoery scince milllions do
5 total sicnce caspacity
too send 2 little

#12 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:04:01

device know
video cheap send

#13 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:03:14

know you and next time come

#14 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:02:27

come 2 speak room secure how ice no remove down roof

#15 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:01:56

bildrs bad man like for work
ice snow
speak secure room

#16 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:01:27

maybe no was here many peoepl no n eed
i agree

#18 Re: bob » We contract » Today 07:00:45

do no work no here
if was
kilkl all all money

#20 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:59:55

money my no need
words bad head need i boss i general
simyp city more rich i

#21 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:59:24

money big all
do all for rich here
this no
all for all moen ysend bad

#22 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:59:07

hard hard ill pain
happy fine life
if sorry cry no touch
no do yes

#23 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:58:20

why bad speak do if 0 always
and do becouse
fast do

#24 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:57:50

all0 all 0 why no do
no seruous peoepl all win
n osend abd no give

#25 Re: bob » We contract » Today 06:57:22

good man no garee
bad man agree do bad

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